The only show in Сyprus of famous pianist accompanied by cello and violin
Author of movie soundtracks and anthems of the major sporting events
New dimension, style and expression of instrumental music
Sold out shows in the most prestige concert halls around the world
On January 17 Kirill Richter and the Richter Trio will present the program “Towards the Beloved City” in Cyprus. This waltz cycle, which has only been performed in its entirety in London and Switzerland, will now be performed for the Cypriot public.
The waltz cycle “Towards the Beloved City” is a musical reflection on love, the path to oneself and the search for inner harmony. “My music is a soundtrack of life,” says Kirill Richter. “The stories I tell through music somehow resonate in other lives, creating the feeling that we all speak the same language.”
Richter’s emotional and sincere works, filled with energy and depth, invariably captivate listeners. The program “Towards the Beloved City” promises to be a special musical event that gives viewers the opportunity to reflect on their own feelings and experiences.
Don't miss the chance to hear music that touches hearts and creates an invisible connection between people.